Every decision we make will have an impact on the life we going to live and some decisions will have an impact on others. And it's their responsibility how they going to decide to deal with it. We all make the choices of an effect on us. However, it's is our superpower to make those decisions for ourselves no decision is still a decision.  Past has been done already. It is not changeable (maybe something I don't know about it yet, but not as far as I know). The only moment we have is right now. And how we going to live tomorrow we are one decision away. This is very much a self-love post I have been thinking about for quite some time and got inspired to write it after meeting my friend who said it's easier for her to look after others more than herself. Of course, at that point, I had a little bit of a rant. I will stand for what I have said in the past if we don't love ourselves we simply not able to love others. If we don't accept ourselves how can we accept others? If we not able to look after ourselves how do we know what others needs are if we can't meet ours directly? We all meet our needs 100% but unfortunately, we often don't know how to meet them directly we meet them in unhealthy ways and often quite toxic without any awareness of doing so. We can decide being for ourselves witch gives space for others to be there for themselves. Often helping comes from a place of wanting to fix. I can't fix myself but I can fix you. The more love for ourselves the more acceptance and tolerance we have for others. Acceptance doesn't mean we have to be around these people if it is not in our best interest. It is just understanding from a not judgmental place that these people will have to figure what's best for them and you for you. We make choices every day from breakfast to dinner. Saying I had no choice is a choice itself. I wanted to encourage people with this post to be brave and make these decision to love ourselves first. I said something about myself at Christmas party that I looked hot or cute can't really remember exactly and my super beautiful friend said I wish I would be so confident and I said to her that did not always come easy I made a choice to love and accept all the imperfect accepts of myself. This is then I started seeing the beauty in others. And that's what I wish for all of you to make that choice to be there for you so then you can be there for others.


  1. Your analysis is very insightful and helpful.
    It is all too easy to become mired in regrets, angst and other useless emotions about things we cannot change.
    Your observation that self love can help with acceptance and tolerance is very enlightened.
    Being brave and learning to love ourselves and our own imperfections is an admirable plan.
    I love your thoughts, your reasoning, your writing and your photographs.
    You are very beautiful in every way.
    Love and hugs xx <3

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