
Hey guys it's already end of June it's gone really quickly for me! Anyway it's started feeling more like summer and the weather started picking up YEY! Hot weather makes a lot of people more slow but I think it's time to get ready:) It's all about feeling comfortable and fresh:)

Keep Hydrated 

It is so important to drink enough water on hot summer days to keep hydrated. Water is always better than sugary drinks. Pure coconut water is a good alternative which claims to have lots of benefits to our health. And coconut quite often is associated with holidays and good weather and for me it's laying down on the beach and relaxing:) And if you haven't tried it yet you should definitely do so.

Keep Protected

Sun hats aren't just a fashion. It keeps your head cool and helps to prevent heat stroke. So make the most of your hat this summer especially when there are so many choices.

Sun Creams

To be honest I always wanted to be slightly more tanned than I am. It was quite embarrassing when everyone is showing of their tan and I am as white as cheese or red as a tomato. The thing is I don't really tan I go red and than I turn white again. But I grew up and I accepted being as white as cheese and I have tried some fake tan which all looked orange on my skin tone so I figured I rather be cheese:) So having good and kind sun cream is important. The more SPF the stronger the protection so choose wise :)

Comfortable Clothing

Choose to wear clothes  made from natural materials like cotton or linen  and wear pastel colours to keep it cool.


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