Hey guys! How has your weekend been? Well I have to rest a lot this weekend because I have been a little bit poorly. Anyway, I had lots of fun playing Monopoly at home - takes hours! Anyway I won last night :)! But unfortunately I had to declare bankruptcy today on a  Monopoly speed game :). Anyway let's get back to my inspiration. You know that I have two pets Hazel and Pickle. They Are like my own children :)! So I thought I will do a little inspiration for treating pets:)

I Love this pumpkin house for cats. Is so cute I definitely going to get the pink one! It reminds me of Cinderella story ;) It's so cute! This hide house is bargain from Groupon.
Faux Fur Igloo Cat Bed

This dog calour I think is a must for every dog owner. I have the exact one for hazel! It's so good to use it in the evenings in the park so you never let the dog out of your sight! And in Groupon you can get it for £1.99, bargain I would think!

LED Dog Collars

This is the perfect personalized gift for your beloved pet and plenty to choose from! I love the pastel colours and looks very stylish.

Personalised Pet Bowl - Dog Cat Feeding Dish - Mixed pattern listing

And this is perfect for someone who likes a little bit of fun! Custom tag for your pet I think it's perfect! Custom Pet ID Tag Circle - Dog Name Identification - King of this castle royalty royal funny slogan - SLGN0007
This is so cute! If you can't have pets this is perfect atleast you can look at them :)I think this is adorable!

Personalised pet cat portrait - painted cat hoop art - made to order

So I hope you liked my inspiration for the pet owners. Thank you for reading!
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