30 Day Challange - Day 1

Hello lovely people! In the end of 2016 year I came up with the idea to challenge myself for 30 days soaking my feet. Firstly because I walk a lot, I literally walk everywhere (I haven't used a bus in a very long time), so my feet and legs get tired and achy. Secondly I decided to challenge myself sticking with 30 days because I find it very hard to stick with things in general and because after 30 days it becomes a habit I thought it would be good for me. I will  document my 30 day foot soak challenge on my blog and I'm planning to write about my ups and downs with sticking with my challenge, my well being, different soaks for my feet, DIY recipes and anything in between. 

30 Day Challange - Day 1

This particular natural soak I made with eucalyptus essential oil to sooth my feet. I am hosting a giveaway on my Instagram  account for you to try and maybe even join me on my 30 day foot soak challenge. All you have to do to win it is follow my Instagram account, like the image and tag two friends in comments and VOILA you have entered!  So good luck, the winner will be announced on 3 February 2017!

30 Day Challange - Day 1

I am writing my blog after my feet have been soaked I feel relaxed and my feet feels nicely soothed and soft from natural oils and essential oils. The foot soak itself nicely dissolved in the water and the smell is very gentle. Pink colour of the soak makes it extra girly.

Thanks for reading