I chose this title 'Cosy Winter' as I am all about cosy at this time of year. Cosy home, cosy clothing, relaxing and having a slow pace of my own. I have had lots of changes in 2016, starting with one main one being that I finally changed my job after being in my old job over 6 years! And that's a long time let me tell you that :) I had lots of little changes throughout the year and I can see lots of my friends having big life changes this year. So now as we are approaching the end of 2016 I am in a reflective mood and looking where to go next. And the most bugging question is: how do I move forward in 2017. Making my self cosy with a cup of hot chocolate and nicely wrapped  up in a cosy home I feel a sense of fulfilment, even though I have many goals but I am looking forward to experiencing the journey. This year I moved away from the commercial X-mas and am moving towards Christmas with joy and family around.

I recently started wanting to get two pet rabbits so I got myself a rabbit from The Star and Heart Studio to keep me going until I get room for the real thing. As having a pet is a very responsible business as pets are for life not just for Christmas. Especially when rabbits live for about 12 years so it's long term commitment which I am happy to wait for!

 I might write another Christmas blog post this year but if not have a very  merry Christmas! I hope we all have it full of joy and kindness and a peacefulness all around! 

Thank you for Reading!