Hey everyone! Happy Easter! Well, even it's Monday already! I hope all of you enjoyed the long weekend! I was so lucky I didn't need to work! Felt like proper holiday! This is what I like when having a weekend feels like far far away from normal routine:) Easter is obviously a festive season so that of course involves lot's of eating and especially lots and lots of chocolate eggs. We ate normal eggs too because we painted boiled eggs on Saturday night and played cracking egg game on Sunday morning for breakfast. Hazel got couple of eggs as well and it was her first ever Easter with us which was very nice! I can't believe she is such a big baby now, 8 months already! Time has been flying for us for sure! I made almond Swedish tarte cake which I found on Pinterest. Which was very tasty and rich, very filling too (maybe because the recipe needed 8 eggs)! Yep it was all about the eggs this Easter:) So here are some pictures :) Please let me know your favorite egg:)
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