Hey everyone!
 It's winter and in this cold weather we have to look after the skin well. I have recently been unwell and I started looking a bit tired which is not great but this mask really helps to wake up the skin. It's very easy, I am sure you heard or read similar recipes in the past but this is what I put together myself :). My skin looks refreshed and I have a healthy glow. I would only use face masks in the evening in general because it looks very improved in the mornings and I can see the difference.

Half ripened banana
Natural plain yogurt
Lemon or Lime (I used lime because I like the hint of fragrance)
Dash of almond milk

Mash the banana and mix it with yogurt and dash of milk, add a little bit of honey and squeeze a little bit of lime and voila! At this point I try my mixture, if I can't taste lime I add few more drops. Make sure don't put too much it might sting on the face. Then I give a good stir and put it on my face and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and after that I wash it with warm water and go to bed or curl up on a sofa :)

Just in Style Home made banana and yogurt face mask with lime

Enjoy xxx
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